Friday, August 31, 2007

Back To School

Wow , this has been a busy week. I am trying to get my oldest daughter all ready for back to school ( she is so excited - she just loves school ). It's a lot of lists & shopping isn't it ? But lots of fun - she even gets the teacher she wanted this year so that's a bonus ! School here in Canada ( Ontario at least ) starts on September 4. We have one last long weekend left and then its back to schedules - going to bed early , getting up early - catching the bus ( forgetting the lunches and having to bring them in after she's left !! Oops - nobody said I was perfect ;)

Apart from getting her ready for school I have also been really busy adding to the site. I added a brand new Disney Princess Ariel ( Little Mermaid ) section with birthday party printables & coloring pages - I have 40 of them ( plus a few from other sites )( clip-art will be added soon ). I am currently working on a Cinderella section. I also will go through my Hallowe'en crafts & coloring pages this week and add some new items. I just love Hallowe'en and I have a bunch of really fun stuff to add so I can't wait to get that started.

Well , I wish all the kids the best in the new school year. I can't believe summer is over already , it just flew by! Time passes so quickly...

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Welcome To Our New Blog

Hi everyone and welcome to the first official blog post! This is my first attempt to do any blogging but I figure how hard can it be right ?

I have decided to replace my newsletter with this blog ~ I wanted to give my web visitors a chance to let me know what you like about the site , what you don't like ( say it nicely please ;) and what you would like to see added. I was also thinking that a blog would be a great place for you to all exchange ideas for keeping your kids busy. September is just around the corner and for my house that means that my nine year old will be back to school and I will be home alone with my youngest ( now two and a half ). She has gotten used to having her big sister around to play with / torment so now I will need to come up with some really creative fun things for us to do during the day to keep busy. Luckily I have been finding more and more fun stuff and adding it to the site so I will have something to fall back on :)

I just wanted to throw out a quick thank you to the wonderful people who have made donations to my site - I appreciate it very much and every little bit really does help to offset the costs and keep it up and running.

Yesterday I added a whole bunch of new Disney princess coloring pages ( still have a few more to go ), I also went and got rid of some dead links that were there ( sorry if you come across anymore - I am doing my best to weed them out ).

I have been really working hard in my spare time to improve the site - especially the birthday party printables section ( one that I use a lot - I love to throw these ridiculous childrens parties that always MUST have a theme ! ) Please be patient with me and come back to check on the progress often - I have thousands of ideas swimming around in my head , but there are just not enough free hours in the day to post them all !

Today I will be updating the Sponge Bob birthday party ideas ( I am going to post the ideas that I used for my daughters birthday party which was last weekend - the kids had a blast - we played lots of games and I decorated the tree fort like a pineapple house ! ) This picture is the pineapple house ( the red balloons were jellyfish which we used in the catch the jellyfish game , and then squish the jellyfish game ) - my daughter and I had lots of fun making a house for Spongebob !

I have also just recently added a whole bunch of cartoon clipart ( still working on it though ! ) , clipart is great when you want to make your own cards & party invitations - best of all its free so you can't beat the price :)
I have inspired my step-mom to start a new site too - she is obsessed with crochet work ( and is amazingly talented ) , so she has decided to start up a little website offering crochet patterns ( lots of vintage ones that you can't find anywhere ! ) Check it out if you are interested , she would love to hear any feedback you might have.

Well this is the end of my first post - my hopes are that this will be the first of many and please feel free to post your comments/questions anytime and I will get back to you.

Take care & happy crafting :)